WAPSN and Covid-19

Hi everyone,

As you may know, the WA Peer Supporter’s Network is hosted by Consumers of Mental Health WA (CoMHWA). Please visit the CoMHWA website for Covid-19 news, updates and resources. We encourage you to follow CoMHWA on social media and sign up to the newsletter if you are not yet receiving it. We are still able to take your calls and answer your emails – don’t hesitate to reach out.

Phone: 9258 8911
Follow us on Facebook – Consumers of Mental Health WA
Twitter / Instagram: @comhwa_

Visit our website for regular updates from CoMHWA CEO, Shauna Gaebler, plus resources and information: www.comhwa.org.au/covid-19

These are challenging times. We understand the feelings of uncertainty, distress and anxiety that many are feeling due to COVID-19 – we are experiencing these alongside you.

Rebecca Banks